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What is a Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease?

Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease is the degeneration of the discs of the neck which occurs through normal aging wear and tear. Degenerative discs can potentially lead to neck pain, neck stiffness and nerve irritations


Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease typically develops in the aging population equally in terms of patient sex.


Usually there are no symptoms but physiotherapy management is often effective at treating symptoms when they occur. If the spinal cord or nerve root is pinched some symptoms may include:

  • Tingling, numbness and weakness in the arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Difficulty walking and/or lack of coordination
  • Loss of bladder and bowel function


Physical therapy is essential in management of Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Manual therapy is helpful in stretching the stiff cervical joints and relieving muscle tension which can help decrease pain
  • Exercise prescription to strengthen and stretch muscles along the neck and shoulders can help relieve symptoms
  • Posture correction can help stabilize the spine and decrease cervical muscle and joint tension

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Trust our team of physiotherapists to help you recover faster and improve your quality of life.